
Will The President’s Message Move The Stagnant Waters Of National Political Setting?

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In a letter addressed to the Algerians on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of the celebration of the date of March 19th 1962 coinciding with “Victory Day” after the signing of the Evian agreements, President Abdelaziz Bouteflika threw a ball into stagnant political waters when he called on those wishing to present their political projects to enrich and debate their various programs in anticipation of the next presidential elections.
President Bouteflika said that “it is the right of everyone to strive to reach power, and that Algeria needs political pluralism and the contribution of all to enrich the democratic path of the country, but provided that such an endeavor should be in the interest of the country and its people above all other considerations,” and this message comes about a year ahead of the date of the 2019 presidential polls in Algeria.
Observers note that the political situation is still stagnant, as the lackluster debate between the political actors present on the scene, despite the approaching polling date, show that the latter give the impression of indulging in a state of indifference towards the upcoming presidential contest.
“It is necessary for the political scene to witness a struggle in political programs, and it is natural for everyone to seek power, but it is the duty of all to contribute to this pluralistic democratic movement,” stressed President Bouteflika in a quest to end the ongoing political stalemate.
Unusually, preparations for the upcoming presidential elections seem bleak, which raises more than one question, as neither the political parties nor the outstanding national figures have declared their desire to run in the next race.
The President’s message was quite clear in calling on political stakeholders to take interest in the next polls, but some of the elements in that letter, if not its keys, are still missing for those who want to run in the next presidential race, with on focus President Bouteflika’s possible candidacy for a fifth term in office. “This remains a matter of interpretation”, the observers surmised.
Perhaps the political stagnation of the political scene after years of presidential rule has altered the structure of power over the last few years, which has resulted in the disappearance of the logic of running balances in light of the harmony existing between the institutions of the Presidency and the ANP Establishment, they further suggested.

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