
Why Does Morocco Insist On Involving Algeria In Its Crisis With Iran?

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Algeria is escalating its stance against Morocco because of the latter’s hostile positions towards its eastern neighbor, which have been shown in the last chapter of this hostility, in accusations that do not calculate the consequences for Algeria in cooperation with other parties in order to damage the Makhzen system.
According to identical information, Algeria’s protest against Morocco’s recent “abuse” will not stop at summoning Rabat’s ambassador, but rather apply “painful disciplinary measures” against the Makhzen, including a reduction in diplomatic representation.
Information that was leaked from the scenes of recalling the Moroccan ambassador, Hassan Abdel Khalik, to ​​the Foreign Ministry, Algeria confirmed to the Ambassador of Rabat its “impatient with the repeated and unfounded accusations of the Makhzen” and asserted that it “will not accept in the future any Moroccan abuse against Algeria, whatever its backgrounds and justifications”.
The Moroccan Foreign Minister, Nasser Boureita, accused Algeria of cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Lebanese “Hezbollah” to train and arm elements of the Polisario Front which demands self-governing of the Saharawi people, and these accusations were refuted by Algeria categorically.
Algeria says the Moroccan continued allegations are a “Moroccan attempt to indirectly involve Algeria in the relationships between Morocco and Iran”, which has been living in the throes of recurring crises.
In less than a decade, Rabat severed it relationships with Tehran twice, the first was in 2009 when Morocco claimed Iran’s spreading of Shiism in Morocco, and last week for the reasons that are mentioned above.
Gravity of Morocco’s recent position is not only the abuse of the Algerian-Moroccan relationships, which Rabat has often contributed to poisoning with ill-considered and hostile statements and positions, but in trying to draw a rhythm between Algeria on the one hand and Iran and Lebanon on the other by telling local and international opinion that Tehran and its ally “Hezbollah” in Lebanon exploited the territorial sovereignty of Algeria, and then seek to create tensions between Algeria and Tehran, which live one of the best periods of their relationships.
The other issue that the Makhzen tried to use was its attempt to challenge the firm belief in Algeria’s foreign policy of non-interference in the internal affairs of the states, and the other issue is Rabat’s attempt to justify its repeated decisions to sever its relationships with Iran, showing a lack of maturity and a diplomatic adolescence.
Observers believe that the Makhzen’s involvement of Algeria in the repeated crisis between it and Tehran is merely an attempt to convince the Moroccan public and the international opinion that it is being subjected to a coordinated external attack, in an attempt to justify the sufferance of its diplomatic apparatus, which has been accused of falling into the trap of inciting some countries known to be hostile to Iran.
Among the reasons for the Moroccan confusion, in the opinion of the observers, are the painful strikes that Rabat received in the recent conflict with the Polisario Front, led by the United Nations call for Morocco to start unconditional negotiations with the Sahrawi government and to reduce the duration of the Minorso mission to only six months after it was a one year mission, to force the Makhzen to stop its policy of escaping forward, in conjunction with the slap that the European justice has directed to Rabat in its relationships with the European Union on the exploitation of Western Sahara resources.
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