
USA Calls On The Makhzen To Negotiate With The Polisario Unconditionally

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The new US policy toward Western Sahara issue is beginning to take shape after John Bolton took over as US President’s national security adviser.

This was demonstrated by the draft resolution that was deposited at the United Nations level by the United States.

The draft resolution that was submitted by Washington on Monday calls on the parties to the conflict in Western Sahara to “resume negotiations between the Polisario Front and the Moroccan authorities, without preconditions and good intentions”, according to the draft resolution, which was the subject of discussion at the level of the UN body.

It is known that Morocco has repeatedly rejected direct negotiations with the Polisario Front, which means that this project was a severe blow to the Moroccan hard position at this level.

What is new in the American project is that it is talking about “a solution that leads to the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination, which is strongly rejected by the Moroccan authorities and insists on what it calls the “autonomy project” that is signed by the Moroccan monarch in 2007.

The draft resolution also speaks of the need for all concerned parties to participate in this crisis, but without naming it, and describes its participation as “the important thing” in order to “push the political process”.

The draft resolution confirmed the need to “refrain from any action that could destabilize the situation or threaten the peace process that is led by the United Nations”.

In an unprecedented move, the draft resolution asserted that “the continuation of the current situation is unacceptable. The progress in the negotiations is essential to improve the standard of living of the people of Western Sahara in all aspects.”

The recently appointed US National Security Adviser is a proponent of the Saharawi cause, and its appointment by the President Donald Trump raised fears of the Moroccan authorities, which rushed to warn of him.

The US draft resolution is expected to be voted, here on Wednesday, in the UN Security Council, but the vote may be postponed until the end of the week, according to Agence France Presse, quoting excerpts from the draft resolution.

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