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U.S. Ambassador, John Desrocher : “May 8, 1945 Was A Joyful Day For The World But Sad For Algeria”

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U.S. Ambassador, John Desrocher : “May 8, 1945 Was A Joyful Day For The World But Sad For Algeria”

The date of May 8, 1945 was the joy of conquering tyranny in the world, but for Algeria it was sad and also catalyst in the struggle for independence, The U.S. Ambassador to Algeria, John P. Desrocher, said in a tweet on the occasion of the 73rd anniversary of the May,8, 1945 French massacres in Algeria.

“May 8 is a unique day in the annals of history. On May,8, 1945, the world rejoiced at the end of World War II in Europe. It was a day to celebrate the triumph of freedom over tyranny. But this day was a sad day for Algeria”.

“I pay tribute to the martyrs of Setif, Guelma and Kharrata (eastern Algeria), whose martyrdom was catalyst in Algeria’s struggle for independence. This struggle for freedom links the Algerian and American peoples. Today we are here to affirm our commitment to a strong partnership with Algeria”.

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  • رابح يسعد

    Thank you very much mister the US Embassor to Algeria for your valuable comment over May 08,1945 events . in fact, it was a crucial moment for the algerian peopole to show his desire for freedom and peace .unfortunately ,he was faced by bloodshed and it was a real v turning point to claim independenc