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إدارة الموقع

Turkey and Qatar … New Targets In The List Of Morocco At Bay

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Turkey and Qatar … New Targets In The List Of Morocco At Bay

The Moroccan media machine has expanded its low-down campaign against Algeria and the countries that do not share its position on the Western Sahara issue, in the aftermath of Morocco’s media and diplomatic violence, that has wittingly targeted Algeria, Iran and the latter’s ally the Hezbollah Movement.
The new targeted “victims” are now being led by the State of Qatar, which was accused by the media close to the royal palace in Rabat, “of its moderate solidarity with Morocco during the crisis marked by the severing of diplomatic relations with Iran,” according to Hespres, Morocco’s largest online daily.
It is well known that most of the Gulf countries, along with the Arab League, concurred with Morocco’s decision to sever diplomatic relations with Iran. Qatar was among the countries that issued a statement supporting the Moroccan decision.
As usual, the launching of the Moroccan attack on Qatar was through the Algerian gate, as the “spurred” Moroccan online newspaper, referred to what it called the existence of “Qatari reservations on the relations-breaking issue”.
By wrongfully involving Algeria in this outside issue, Algerian sovereignty has thus been “alienated” by a foreign state in an attempt that can only be justified by the Moroccan regime’s desperate attempt to export its acute internal crises with the Moroccan public opinion being marginalized on purpose, especially after the Moroccan diplomatic machine has received successive and scathing setbacks over the last few months in its lingering conflict with the Polisario Front, the legitimate and only representative of the Saharawi people.
Another country that was the target of the pro-palace Moroccan media was Turkey, which was earlier this week the venue of a visit by the head of the National People’s Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Abdelhamid Si Afif, a visit which resulted in a formal call by the head of the Turkish Parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee for the enshrinement of the Saharawi people’s legitimate right to self-determination.
This clear-cut official stance on the Western Sahara issue expressed through the rostrum of the Turkish parliament, was meant to dispel any confusion about the necessity of enabling the Saharawi people to determine and choose their own fate in consistence with relevant UN resolutions and international legality to the dismay of the Moroccan Makhzen which is doggedly intent on clinging to its blameworthy expansionist designs in the region.

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  • Hassan

    Because the Saudi Went Tham against Money
    Because the Saudi Went Tham against Money
    Because the Saudi Went Tham against Money