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إدارة الموقع

This is what France lost by the Algerians’ refusal to separate the Sahara

Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
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This is what France lost by the Algerians’ refusal to separate the Sahara

Many security, political and diplomatic elites in France believe that the problems that France is suffering from in the Sahel region, as well as those that are striking its friends in the Maghreb, similar to the Moroccan regime, are due to the French negotiator’s mistreatment of his Algerian counterpart in the Evian Agreements, which marked France’s defeat in Its war on Algeria during the glorious liberation revolution.
This belief was raised for the first time by security and diplomatic circles in France, on the “Open Box TV” channel, which is owned and managed by a former senior official in the French Directorate General of External Security, Alain Guillet, former advisor to the former Prime Minister, François Fillon, during the era of President Former Nicolas Sarkozy, in the presence of the former French ambassador to Algeria on two occasions, Xavier Driencourt, one of the ideologues of the far-right movement in France.
In a heated discussion between Alain Guillet, a prominent member of the French Grand Masonic Lodge, and Xavier Driencourt, Guillet raised the mismanagement of the French delegation’s negotiations with the delegation of the interim Algerian government, which led to Algeria’s dominance over a wide geographical area extending even deep into the Sahel region, Which is considered an extension of French influence in Africa.
The former official of the French Foreign Intelligence Service (DGSE) regrets Algeria’s success in retaining its vast desert, in the arduous and difficult negotiations that the Algerian and French sides entered into in the Evian Agreements, through which the French tried to preserve the desert by separating it from the north, an attempt that failed, due to the insistence of the delegation. The interim government agreed to continue the war if the French side adhered to this illogical demand.
As for the former French ambassador to Algeria, and with him the former official in the DGSE, if France had been able to continue annexing the Algerian Sahara and placing it under its sovereignty, there would not have been many of the problems that Paris suffers from today in a sensitive space like the Sahel region, and there would not have been a crisis today. In the heart of the Maghreb region, it is called the Sahrawi issue, which exhausted the Moroccan regime, which they considered close to France.
These two analysts attribute the strong Algerian influence in the Sahel region to the presence of border contact between Algeria and the countries of this region, represented by Niger and Mali in particular. Also, the expansion of Algeria’s borders from the southwestern side, to Mauritania, passing through Western Sahara, allowed it to find a strong influence in these two countries, which were colonies of France and Spain respectively.
For them, what French influence is suffering in the Sahel region and in the areas close to it (the Western Sahara) has a historical cause and is borne by the founder of the Fifth French Republic, General Charles de Gaulle, as he was the one who allowed the Evian negotiations to reach their end in a way that some French people rejected.
The discussion revealed the existence of an interest for France in the initiative presented by the Moroccan regime, as it is an ally of Paris according to the vision of the diplomat and intelligence man, which is represented by the access of the countries of the Sahel region to the Atlantic Ocean, which suggests the hypothesis that this initiative was not the result of the Alaouite palace in Rabat, as much as it was an instruction From Paris, to try to limit Algerian influence in this vast region, from which France emerged defeated, in the face of revolutionary forces that overthrew puppet regimes of the former colonizer.
However, the initiative that was hailed by Alain Guillét and The Moroccan city of Marrakesh hosted it in December 2023. As for Algeria, its diplomatic relations with Rabat have been in a state of severance for about three years, in addition to the presence of the Polisario Front in a war with the Moroccan occupier, and this means the prior and inevitable failure of that initiative for another geographical reason, which is the lack of border contact Between the Alawite Kingdom and the countries of the Sahel region.

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