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The Algerian-Turkish Partnership… New Files On The Table

Imène Kimouche /*/ English version: Med.B.
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The Algerian-Turkish Partnership… New Files On The Table

An Algerian-Turkish economic forum is expected to be held in the capital Algiers at the end of November, on the sidelines of the state visit that the Turkish President Tayyip Recep Erdogan is preparing to pay to Algeria.
The forum aims to discuss partnership opportunities between the two friendly countries in the fields of health, energy, gas, public works, minerals, mines and textiles. The two sides also aim to  hike the trade exchange between the two countries to 10 billion dollars within a few years.
According to a letter sent to “Echorouk” by members of the Algerian Council for Economic Renewal (CRIA), the largest organization of businessmen in Algeria, an Algerian-Turkish economic forum will be organized in Algiers on the sidelines of the state visit of the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, to Algeria from November 21 to 23, 2023.
This economic forum aims to strengthen cooperation and partnership and deepen relations between the Algerian-Turkish business communities, as “KRIA members interested in participating are invited to confirm their participation by filling out the online registration form of the National Chamber of Commerce and Industry”.
The same correspondent adds: “Participating companies will be informed later of the date and location of the forum, knowing that the latter is limited to one participant per company, and only companies that have previously confirmed this by e-mail will be able to participate.”
The trade exchanges between Algeria and Ankara amounted to $5 billion in recent years, while the two countries have set a goal to exceed $10 billion in the coming years, at a time when about 1,560 Turkish companies are active in the Algerian market.
A few days ago, Sonatrach discussed long-term commercial relations with the Turkish company “Botash” within the framework of contracts for the sale and purchase of liquefied natural gas and ways to expand the partnership between them, which was included in a statement by Sonatrach.
The Minister of Health, Abdelhak Saihi, also received last Tuesday evening, at the headquarters of the Ministry, the Turkish Ambassador to Algeria, Mehmet Mujahit Kucuk Yilmaz, where the two parties reviewed ways to enhance bilateral relations to higher levels that serve the interests of both countries. The Health Minister confirmed that the agreement, which will be signed in the coming days, provides for the establishment of… Twinning operations between the Major Burns Hospital in Zeralda and its Turkish counterpart in Istanbul, in implementation of the instructions and directives of the President of the Republic, Abdelmadjid Tebboune,.
It would give a strong impetus to the existing partnership relations between the two countries in the health sector, which is expected to expand further to include hospitals and other similar specialties notably Pediatric and Pediatric Cardiac Surgery.
A week ago, Prime Minister Ayman Benabderahmane received the Turkish Ambassador to Algeria, during which the two parties reviewed the reality and prospects of Algerian-Turkish relations and underscored their firm will to shore up  cooperation and partnership between the two friendly countries in various fields, in implementation of the directives of the two countries’ leaders, particularly by increasing trade exchanges and promoting and diversifying joint investments. Minister of Public Works Lakhdar Rakhroukh also received the Turkish ambassador in recent days.
Turkish President Recep Erdogan is considered the first president to visit Algeria after President Abdelmadjid Tebboune took office at the end of 2019, as the visit was in January 2020, while President Tebboune has visited Turkey twice since his election.

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