
Schengen Visa: TLS Contact Fees To Be Paid At Post Offices In 48 Provinces Of Algeria

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The visa-related agent with the French consulate in Oran, namely TLS Contact, confirmed that the pre-payment process for visa processing fees has been made possible at 4,000 post offices in the 48 provinces of Algeria.
In a statement, the agent said that candidates with Visa files could go directly to post offices in any province of the country to pay the processing fees estimated at 3600 Dinars, notably at the level of the TLS Contact centers in Oran, Constantine and Annaba, where the various centers will set up queues as soon as the new procedures for prepaid services are announced.
According to the agent, the agreement with the Algiers Post Office was in the process of being signed.
According to the statement, the applicant must submit documents proving that he or she has an initial appointment via the website of TLS Contact, including the relevant request and the passport, so that the official registration of the payment of the dues will not be required to be directly sent to TLS Contact.
The process is done automatically once the service fee is paid at a post office to be followed by confirming the date directly within 48 hours.
It is worth mentioning that the failure to pay within three days of obtaining the initial appointment date through the website leads to its cancellation automatically, while the payment of the French Consulate’s fees will be carried out later during the process of submission of the file.
These procedures have been implemented in order to compel visa applicants to comply with the required dates they receive after proper registration.

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