
President Erdogan : «Colonial France Massacred 5 Million Muslims In Algeria And The World Stood Idly By»

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a speech that “the French have massacred 5 million Muslims in Algeria during the harsh French colonial yoke,” reported Monday, May 7, the Turkish public Radio-Television Channel (TRT).
“The French massacred 5 million Muslims in Algeria. They also committed a huge massacre in Libya. But the world is silent. It will be the same later, because it is their structure, their character” Mr. Erdogan underscored at the ceremony of the Zeytindagi Peace Prize of Istanbul.
President Erdogan also spoke about the legitimate Palestinian cause. “In this world as well as in the hereafter, we will be in pursuit of the Israeli administration which associated Palestine and Jerusalem with the horrendous persecutions, whereas they should have been the centers of humanity and especially of peace,” stressed President Erdogan.
According to the Turkish President, the UN does not find any solution to the problems on earth. “The world is bigger than five nations. We will defend what is right until our last breath”, he hammered.
“A system that allows for the profits, or even the will of only 5 countries, for the security of all the countries of the world, cannot be sustainable. The UN must now be subjected to reform,” he further insisted.

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