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إدارة الموقع

Police services withdraw from stadiums

الشروق أونلاين
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Police services withdraw from stadiums
Abdelghani Hamel, Algeria National Police Chief. Photo: archive

Security agents will withdraw from the Algerian stadiums, in order to allow the sport’s officials to impose security within the sports facilities, and fight against violence that affects the society, General Manager of National Security, Major General Abdelghani Hamel, said, on Friday, during a press conference at the General Directorate in Hidra, Algiers, following a meeting with National Security Officials.

“Security coverage exceeded 75% across all the national territory. After the protests in Ain Salah, Talenrasset (southern Algeria), over shale gas exploitation, security units were deployed to maintain order in the city, to avoid any damages.”
“There are two plans for national security that were not completed, and which aimed to place the regional and urban provinces of security, across all the national territory. There is coordination between security, gendarmerie and patriots to impose law.”
For his part, Police Inspector and Public Security Director, Naili Issa, said that his services recorded 5,572 cases of breaching public order, through which they arrested 1,428 people in acts that are punishable by law.
“Concerning the phenomenon of violence in stadiums, security services registered 148 accidents that left 673 injured, and two deaths.”
Police Inspector, Kara Bouhdbh Abdelkader Bouhadba, director of the Judicial Police, also confirmed that violence in stadiums recorded over the past year more than 205.998 cases. Crime noticed a rise by 16%. Our services recorded more than 200.000 cases during the past year, 46% of them are related to the assault on the people, followed by attacks on properties by 40%, and 6% belong to issues that are related to crimes of drug consumption, promotion and trade.
While economic and financial issues represent 4% of the total recorded crime, and more than 22,000 people were arrested, and 70 tonnes of drugs were seized, as for the e-crime, judicial police recorded 126 crimes in just one year.
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