
Ould Abbas: “Only Bouteflika Can Choose FLN’s Candidate For The Presidential Elections 2019”

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جمال ولد عباس

The issue of choosing a President for the 2019 election campaign can be only decided by President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, Secretary-General of the National Liberation Front (FLN) Party, Djamal Ould Abbas, said.

“Talking about the future President of the country is premature.

“FLN still has 14 months ahead of the upcoming Presidential Elections, and therefore the talk about FLN candidate for the Presidential Elections 2019 is premature.

“Bouteflika is the one who decides on behalf of FLN because he is the president of the party”.

The Secretary-General of the National Liberation Front (FLN) took advantage of the inauguration ceremony of the National Committee to formulate the results of the President’s achievements, on Wednesday, at the party headquarters, to confirm that Algeria has spent more than $ 1 billion over the past 20 years to build the country’s infrastructure.

“Ask ministers how the $1000 were spent? Algeria is lucky and we must protect ourselves in the coming period and this is to ensure security and stability.”

Ould Abbas pledged to present a copy of the census file of the president’s achievements during the meeting of the Central Committee of the National Liberation Front, saying: “I work with the committee to prepare this file, and it is not easy to count the achievements of President Bouteflika during the past twenty years.”

On the other hand, the Secretary-General of the National Liberation Front said that Algeria received no financial assistance from the Arab countries during the crisis of the 1990s.

“President Bouteflika removed Algeria from the economic and political crisis it experienced during the first months of his rule because of the difficult circumstances that Algeria faced at the time”.

“Arab countries did not provide financial aid to Algeria, and any financial value that they provided were loans. No Arab country helped Algeria during the black decade”.

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