
Morocco Increases Trade Exchange Rate with Zionism to 124%

Walid.A / English version: Dalila Henache
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The Zionist war machine, which continues to exterminate the Palestinian people, did not prevent Morocco from continuing its normalization with the Zionist entity and its support for the usurping entity. Rather, it expanded its trade exchanges and economic cooperation, which included all fields, achieving a jump of $8.5 million last May in trade exchanges with the zionist occupation, representing a record increase of 124% compared to the same month of 2023.

Accordingly, the total cumulative value of bilateral trade between the two sides reached $53.2 million during the first five months of 2024, a growth of 64% compared to 2023.

The latest report issued by the Abraham Accords Institute mentioned the upward trend of trade, in varying proportions, between several Arab countries, including Morocco on the one hand, and the Zionist entity on the other side, explaining that during the last year, official data from the Zionist occupation showed an increase in the volume of exports to the Kingdom of Morocco by 128%.

Commercial exchanges between Morocco and the Zionist entity witnessed a remarkable development after the signing of the normalization agreements in December 2020, which sought to strengthen relations between the entity and Morocco, in parallel with the signing of a series of cooperation agreements in the fields of trade and investment, which were strengthened a year later by mutual visits by Zionist and Moroccan companies to explore available investment opportunities, in addition to organizing several trade missions and official visits to enhance trade cooperation between the two countries.

Many Moroccan experts confirmed, in their statements to Moroccan media, that the innovation and investment sector represents a major axis of cooperation between Morocco and the Zionist occupation, recalling the expression by the investment fund of the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University since February 2024, of its intention to invest in Zionist companies, specialized in biotechnology, agriculture and alternative proteins.

In addition to four Israeli companies that participated in the “GITEX Africa” exhibition, which was held in Marrakesh last May, reflecting this dynamic, the “Nevatim” company opened its first factory in Morocco.

The Makhzen went far in its economic agreements with the Zionist entity, as it does not rule out progress towards signing a free trade agreement, in addition to establishing other major economic agreements, in parallel with the promotion of direct daily flights to several destinations, as air connectivity is of great importance in strengthening and improving economic relations, especially religious tourism, visiting Jewish cemeteries in Morocco, and the return of criminals from the occupation army to Morocco, especially since many of them are of Moroccan origins.

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