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إدارة الموقع

Moroccan Regime Deceives Its People By Claiming To Provide Aid To Gaza

Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
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Moroccan Regime Deceives Its People By Claiming To Provide Aid To Gaza

After failing to convince public opinion in its country of the falsehood of the news that a Zionist ship loaded with weapons had docked at the port of Tangier to kill Palestinians, the Moroccan regime resorted to another trick that did not deceive the Moroccan people and public opinion in general, which was to direct a ship loaded with medical aid to the Palestinian people in a desperate attempt to polish the palace’s image, which has been tarnished by its involvement in the Zionist entity’s war of annihilation in Gaza against the oppressed Palestinian people.
Immediately after the publication of the “Moroccan Front in Support of Palestine and Against Normalization”, which contained a strong criticism of the Moroccan regime, against the backdrop of allowing a Zionist ship loaded with weapons for the usurping entity to dock in the port of Tangier to refuel with fuel and supplies, as well as the body’s own call to the Moroccan people to protest on Monday. On June 24, 2024, despite the palace’s collusion with the usurping entity and its support for the steadfastness of the Palestinian people in the face of the Zionist war machine, the Moroccan Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the same day talking about providing medical aid to the Gaza Strip.
The Moroccan Foreign Ministry’s statement coincided with the protest against the Moroccan regime’s complicity with the Zionist entity, even under the title of supporting the Palestinians, and it was clear that the aim of choosing the timing was to try to confuse the memory of the Moroccan people, who could not digest the embrace of a Zionist ship loaded with weapons for the entity, at a time when it is killing the Palestinians on a daily basis, brutally and barbarically, unprecedented in history and modern times.
What increased the anger of the Moroccan people, and behind them the anti-normalization bodies and organizations calling for severing relations with the usurping entity, is that a country like Spain, which has nothing to do with the Palestinians except humanitarian relations, had refused to receive in its ports a Zionist ship loaded with weapons bound for Tel Aviv, which… It increased the level of humiliation and lack of honor among the Moroccan people, especially since the ties that unite the Moroccan people and its Palestinian counterpart go far beyond human ties to ties of brotherhood, religion, race and common destiny.
However, the straw that broke the camel’s back, as the common Arab saying goes, is that the Moroccan king, who allowed the Zionist ship to dock in the ports of his normalizing kingdom to supply itself with what it needs, is the head of the so-called “Jerusalem Committee”, which is supposed to be at the forefront of solidarity and defender of the human rights of the Palestinian people and their sanctities, which are in fact the sanctities of the entire Arab and Islamic nation, of which the Alawite kingdom is supposed to be a part.
The Moroccan regime did not resort to disrupting the memory of Moroccans by publishing information about the provision of medical aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip, except after its first maneuver to deny the news of the reception of the Zionist ship in the port of Tangiers failed, as it inspired some media in its orbit to deny this news. This is based on unknown sources, and since the perpetrators of this wretched act do not dare to reveal the identity of the official who told the lie, perhaps some fools are involved.
This way in which the Moroccan regime deals with the scandal of normalization and its opposite, the duty to support the Palestinian cause, reveals a state of schizophrenia and confusion in the management of these two sensitive files. It combines one thing and its opposite, which means that it tries to establish strong relations with the Zionist entity and protect its interests at a time when this entity is estranged from it. Western countries are friendly to him, such as Spain, and in return he promotes, with unparalleled impudence, a speech that the first man in the Alawite palace is the first protector of the Palestinian people and its sanctities, as the head of what is known as the “Jerusalem Committee”? What kind of arrogance is this? What is the position of the Moroccan people, who adhere to their values?

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