
Moroccan press reports entitled “Studies” at a prestigious American center!

Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
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A research contribution prepared by the American “Wilson Center” stopped at the race for influence between Algeria and the Moroccan regime, which has worsened significantly over the last few years. Although this research went in one direction that serves the agendas of a particular party, it reached the fact that the isolation that the Alaouite Kingdom is experiencing in the Maghreb region is what forced it to search for an outlet in other spaces, such as the Sahel region, to which it is linked by geographical extension.
The study talked about the initiative launched by the Moroccan king regarding the Sahel region, which he called the “Atlantic Initiative,” which is considered a vital region for Algerian interests, while Algeria was keen to enhance rapprochement with its Maghreb surroundings, through the consultative initiative launched by President Abdelmadjid Tebboune, which was held Two meetings in Algeria and Tunisia, awaiting arrival at the third venue in Libya, within this month, according to what is expected.
The study was titled: “Maghreb Disintegration: The Divergent Strategies of Algeria and Morocco in Shaping Future Regional Political Geography,” and it presented what it described as “the evolving power dynamics in North Africa and the Sahel region,” which, according to the study, are reflected in “the deepening rivalry between Algeria and Morocco, which strikes “ its roots in the Western Sahara conflict and differences in foreign policies.”
The study indicated that the Moroccan regime, by seeking to connect the Sahel countries to the Atlantic Ocean within the framework of a strategy, aims to expand its regional influence at the expense of Algeria. However, the latter succeeded in isolating Rabat from its Maghreb surroundings, after it brought three Maghreb countries, namely Both Tunisia and Libya, to form a Maghreb space, can be considered an alternative to the clinically dead Maghreb Union, since the late Moroccan king, Hassan II, decided to suspend his country’s participation in its activities and institutions in 1994.
The study, prepared by Safaa Al-Yaqoubi, a former journalist who worked as a correspondent for the Moroccan News Agency from Washington, D.C., for more than a decade, attempted to give great importance to the initiative for the countries of the Sahel region to enter the Atlantic Ocean, while it appeared to be an inconvenience to Algeria, which overlooks this region, unlike… Morocco, whose borders stop far north of Western Sahara, makes the hopes for the success of its initiative very weak.
Despite the lack of response of the Mauritanian authorities to the Moroccan initiative, by refusing to participate in the Marrakesh meeting that was held at the end of last year, and was devoted to discussing the Atlantic initiative, in the presence of representatives of countries such as Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso, which makes the chances of its success non-existent, the journalist is an agency correspondent of the Official Moroccan regime news ignored this important fact and started talking about an alleged geopolitical breakthrough.
It is known that the Mauritanian refusal to participate in the Moroccan initiative makes it dead even before it was born, because the nature of the initiative is geographical and geopolitical, and this makes the geographical connection between the Moroccan territory and the Sahel region exist realistic and not hypothetical, and the Algerian rejection of the initiative is considered a country that is geographically besieged by Morocco (its borders extend to… The heart of the Sahel region), geopolitically and diplomatically, destroys all remaining hopes for the success of this initiative, which the Moroccan regime’s only goal in launching was to annoy Algeria, taking advantage of the circumstantial misunderstanding occurring between some of the coup regimes in the region with their northern neighbor.

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