
Mohamed Issa: “Group Of Boualem Sansal Cannot Create A New Quran That Does Not Include Jews, Jihad”

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The West wants to colonize us in a modern way that does not cost much and does not use the missiles or guns and grenades, by making the nation intellectually linked to an illegitimate project and to a system that differs from its own project and a religion other than its religion, the Religious Affairs and Awqaf Minister, Mohamed Issa, said on Thursday, on the sidelines of an international forum that was organized by the Zawya of Sheikh Falkouma Ahmed in Djelfa (Southern Algiers), on the role of Sufism in the dissemination of Islam.

Mohamed Issa warned against attempts to attack Islam in light of the threats of the Western world, which was based on two Jewish and Christian religious ideas and incorporated these two ideas into one doctrine that is called “modern civilization.”

“The leaders of thought and the philosophers of the West were in favor of this position. They said that humanity cannot produce a better system than the laic liberal system, which derives its intellectual background from Christian and Jewish intellectual inheritance and the creation of the so-called creative chaos”, he added.

“When we follow our reality we find that we lived this creative chaos, in Sudan, for example, where the matter ended with dividing the country into two states, one is starving amidst strife and problems and civil war and fighting and the other is living the problems of the Arab and Islamic world. Mali was facing division in two countries without the intervention of Algeria, which imposed on its neighbors a path of dialogue that ended with an agreement on the survival of one state”.

“We saw this chaos in Libya as well, where people are still being kidnapped and killed. We have lived this situation in Syria, where civilization has trampled on its foundations, displaced its children, infused its daughters and humiliated its men. We watched this civilization which said to be one of the best worldwide, but is destructed and hit by the economic machine, the cultural and educational machine in our Arab, Islamic and African worlds.”

“The Western world did not stop at this point, but it is trying to choose our Islam and began to cast dictates and intervene in the distinction between doctrine and doctrine, and intervene in the sects, after it decided to find a foothold in the Arab and Islamic world, not only that, but it dared to lean an initiative, which is the second of its kind, since the beginning of the clash of civilizations after the idea of ​​the Criterion, which was written by some Americans,, here they are, a group of those who called themselves elite who want to compose a new Quran and delete all verses that touch Christianity or Judaism and talk about Jihad, but who will read this book because they do not pray, they do not read or gossip, and they will not find it in our societies someone who is convinced with their ideas, after the quasi-scientists, scholars and commentators and quasi-Sufis attended their laboratories in order to implement their plans and leader this generation as if they are cattle, in order to be able to colonize us without any costs.”

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