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Macron Sends Condolences To Bouteflika 48 Hours After The Plane Crash

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Macron Sends Condolences To Bouteflika 48 Hours After The Plane Crash
Emmanuel Macron, président français

President, Abdelaziz Bouteflika, received a cable of condolences from the French President, Emmanuel Macron, expressing the “friendship” and “total solidarity” of his country with Algeria following the military plane crash on Wednesday in Boufarik, which killed 257 people.
President Macron wrote in his telegram, which came 48 hours after the incident: “I received with great sadness and sorrow the news of the air disaster that hit Algeria on April 11. I was very impressed by the high outcome of this painful incident.”
“In such dire circumstances, I present, On behalf of the French people, the most sincere condolences to the families of the victims, the armed forces and all the Algerian people.”
President Macron concluded: “France renews complete feelings of friendship and solidarity with Algeria in this ordeal.”

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