
Jews, Christians Sign A Petition Defending Muslims In France

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Less than a week has passed since the French daily newspaper Le Parisien carried out an organized attack on Islam and the Muslim community in France, another petition is signed by hundreds of historians, intellectuals and artists, including Jewish personalities to defend Islam and Muslims in France.

The new petition, entitled “Combating Racism, Antisemitism and Islamophobia” was published by the newspaper Media Bar, was signed by well-known and multi-ethnic figures and religions (Jewish, Christian, Islam, French, Arab ..) like the historians Gills Manceron, Alan Cyroulnik and Philippe Cyroulnik, of Jewish origin.

“While Europe is living on the rise of racist attacks against Islam and Semitism, we condemn and fight against Semitism and all forms of criminal and racist acts under this slogan”, the petition said.

The petition believes that silence on identity and race crimes, and falling into the trap of justifying such crimes means opening the possibility of committing crimes that are obsolete, such as the crimes of Nazism and the Tutsi tribes in Africa, the crimes of ethnic and religious cleansing which is currently being exposed to the Muslims of Rohingya.

According to the petition, the attacks on French and people from the Maghreb and Africans are fed by a political discourse that is full of organized accusations against immigrants and refugees, which contributed in one way or another to the liberation of an anti-Islamic racist speech.

It confirmed the rejection of collective responsibility, which extends to an entire people or religious group.

It came in response to a petition signed about a week ago that considered French Jews to be victims of “Islamic extremism” and claimed that they were “more than 25 times more vulnerable to attacks than the Muslim citizens.”

They also believe that “Anti-Semitism is not only the issue of the Jews, but the cause of all the French.”

Among the most serious of the petition is the demand that “the Islamic religious authorities declare that the verses of the Koran that call for the killing of Jews and Christians and the infidels and their punishment are obsolete”, and justified its demand that the Vatican had previously repealed texts in the Bible that are inconsistent and anti-Semitic, noting that among the personalities who signed the petition there is the former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, and an associate of Algeria, represented by the submerged novelist Boualam Sansal.

The signatories of the petition confirmed their refusal to confuse the criminal acts of some persons with those related to racist projects.

They also refused to link Islam to extremism and warned more than 200 people that the first victims of ISIS were Arabs, Muslims and Africans before anyone else.

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