
ICIE 2018: “Islamic Education To Combat Terrorism, Protect Pupils From ISIS”

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Participants of the International Conference on Islamic Education agreed that teaching Islam Education is necessary to combat extremism and terrorism.

The Mufti of the Republic of Egypt confirmed that the distorted education of the sharia law has led young people to join the terrorist groups like ISIS organization.

Syria Minister of Awqaf confirmed that the teaching of Islamic Education is the best way to fight Takfir and respond to terrorists.

In a speech that was delivered during the International Conference on the Teaching of Islamic Education in the presence of 30 countries, Egypt Musfti Dr. Shawki Ibrahim Abdul Karim Mousa Allam said that the efforts of specialists in the field must be combined through the involvement of professors of all subjects, psychologists and sociologists, in order to achieve curricula for Islamic education that are balanced and take into account each age stage by choosing the appropriate lessons for each educational stage.

“The curriculum can not be applied without a qualified teacher, otherwise it will remain mere ink on paper. The correct Islamic Education brings to us a person who knows his/her religion and is not influenced by the subversive calls that are planted by terrorism. Lack of religious knowledge and distorted education has led young people to join terrorist groups such as ISIS and other organizations”.

In his intervention, the Syrian Minister of Awqaf asserted that the Islamic countries are subjected to a vicious campaign that aimed at destroying the origins of religion from jurisprudence and interpretation, led by the extremist Takfiri terrorist organizations such as ISIS, which exploited Islam for political interests and took from religion “titles” to hit the “necks”.

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