
Government Reshuffle… Rumors Have Spiralled Amid Silence Of Officialdom

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Days and weeks of sweeping rumors about a hovering Government reshuffle, mainly targeting Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia’s head, have gone on, but these rumors have remained so far, just empty leaks that lack credibility.
These rumors have reached their peak during the last two weeks, and even pointed to the identity of the new Prime Minister, namely the Minister of Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Tayeb Louh, alongside some of the proposed new names to take over ministerial portfolios in the new Governmental make-up.
These leaks, aimed at the purported removal of the Prime Minister, were not based on reliable information, as they were tainted with certain ambiguities with the top of the hierarchy of power remaining silent about such a rumored Government reshuffle.
The gradual return of the Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia to the frontline, which was reflected in some of his statements concerning the government’s affairs, as well as his fulfillment of some protocol activities, such as receiving foreign officials who visited Algeria recently, came to scrap the relentless rumors pointing to his imminent removal from the Premiership.
The rumors about such a Government reshuffle did not materialize except in the case of the former prime minister, Abdelmadjid Tebboune, who was removed from his post following a wave of upheavals that stirred the stagnant political scene last summer.
The current Prime Minister, whose name was not initially proposed for appointment to lead the Government, came as a surprise to the observers, because the name of the Minister of the Interior, Local Assemblies and Country Planning, Noureddine Bedoui, was then prominently on the roster.
Notwithstanding, such rumors have achieved many of the desired goals of some parties, notably by breaking the state of routine that has characterized the national political scene during the last few months.

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