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إدارة الموقع

An Organization of Moroccan Jews Warns The Moroccan King Against Supporting Palestinian Resistance

Mohammed Meslem /*/ English Version: Med.B. 
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An Organization of Moroccan Jews Warns The Moroccan King Against Supporting Palestinian Resistance

In a development that shows the state of dependency that the Moroccan regime has been experiencing since its normalization with the Zionist entity, especially with the Zionist community that was born in Morocco, an organization calling itself the “Association of Moroccan Jews in the Zionist entity” has sent a threatening letter to the Moroccan King Mohammed VI, warning him of the consequences of standing alongside the defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza, who are being subjected to an atrocity and cruelty, and of the consequences of supporting the Palestinian resistance, the consequences of standing by the side of the defenseless Palestinian people in Gaza, who are being subjected to a barbaric and brutal Zionist aggression.
A copy of which was obtained by Echorouk,  containing a lot of impudence and malice, signed by the head of this Zionist organization, Simon Ohayon, stated: “Unfortunately, at a time when Hamas should have been disavowed, dissociated from itself and condemned, we stand on demonstrations that support and justify despicable acts by Hamas, which has committed unforgettable acts against Israelis and foreigners working in the Zionist entity.”
The Message of Moroccan Zionist Jews website went on to say: “Therefore, we should ask ourselves the following question: We are the ones who were born, raised and learned the traditional Moroccan culture. We are the ones who have remained loyal and proved our love for the Kingdom of Morocco. This is how we and the Zionist entity are treated! Be by our side and mine. On the side of the Zionist people, in its war to defend its existence and its right to defend itself against any terrorist organization that seeks to destroy it”.
The author of the letter presented himself as speaking for more than two million Zionists of Moroccan origin, as he said, and began to describe the Palestinian resistance, led by the Hamas resistance movement, which taught the Zionists a telling lesson in the art of war, as “ISIS, “And he addressed a person who introduced himself as the head of the Jerusalem Committee, which must be at the forefront of defending the Palestinian cause and for children, the elderly, women and the Palestinian people in general, who are being annihilated daily by the American and Western-backed Zionist war machine.
This message, which had a threatening tone, according to Moroccan activists on social networks, comes at a time when the Moroccan position on what is happening in Gaza and the occupied West Bank is considered one of the most shameful Arab and Islamic positions, even at the height of the violence of Zionist barbarism, which left no tree or stone unturned. It has targeted it with its criminal war machine.
Even more dangerous than all this, the Zionist entity is leaking the names of some of the countries that gave it the green light to eliminate the Palestinian resistance, led by the Islamic Resistance Movement “Hamas”, which on the seventh of October last year brought glory to the Arabs that the countries with their regular armies could not achieve. The head of these countries is the Moroccan regime, which still claims that its king is the head of the Al-Quds Committee at the level of the Islamic Conference.
What reinforces this leak is that the Moroccan regime does not dare to cut its diplomatic relations with the usurper entity.
Even some Arab and non-Arab countries that have diplomatic relations with the Zionist entity decided to withdraw their ambassadors from Tel Aviv, similar to Bahrain, Turkey, South Africa, Honduras, Colombia, Chile and Bolivia. Except for the Moroccan regime, which seems to have lost its sovereign decision making, as evidenced by the fact that it did not dare to raise the issue of its relations with the Zionist entity, or even to simply call for the imposition of sanctions against this entity, as happened at the Arab-Islamic summit that took place this week in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Thus, leaks appeared that spoke about the refusal of the Moroccan regime’s envoy to the summit, represented by its Prime Minister Aziz Akhannouch and its Foreign Minister Nasser Bourita, to face a proposal to impose sanctions on Tel Aviv in order to deter it from continuing its appalling crimes against the Palestinian people in Gaza, the West Bank and all the occupied territories.

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