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إدارة الموقع

Algerian planes protected against possible cyber attacks

Imène Kimouche // English Version: Med.B.
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Algerian planes protected against possible cyber attacks

The Director General of the National Civil Aviation Authority informed the members of the Transport, Communications and Telecommunications Committee of the National People’s Assembly that Algerian aircraft are protected against any possible cyber attack by an impenetrable information system.
The member of the Transport, Communications and Telecommunications Committee of the Council, Salem Benyattou, revealed in a statement to “Echorouk” that the meeting held by the members of the committee with the Director General of the National Civil Aviation Authority, Hamza Benhamouda, a few days ago, on the sidelines of the presentation of the draft law establishing the general rules related to civil aviation, it resulted in… The presentation of a number of data on Algerian civil aviation, including that Algerian aircraft are safe from any possible cyber intrusion, in light of the circumstances the world is witnessing and the atmosphere of wars, conflicts and international disputes.
Benyattou explained that the question was put to the director of the agency regarding the security of the Algerian aviation fleet from any attack, and he replied to the members of the committee that Algerian aircraft are safe from any possible cyber attack, as the government has been working for some time to prepare all the necessary studies, procedures and necessary precautions, while recruiting all the research to prevent aircraft from being exposed to any attack and to ensure their security internally and externally.
Our interlocutor added that the director of the organization informed them by saying: “There is no problem in terms of cybersecurity for aircraft. All measures have been taken to protect information systems and prevent any hacking, including the creation of the Algerian Aviation Organization in 2019. This step has contributed to Algeria gaining the confidence of the International Aviation Organization.” “.
Regarding the aviation agreement between Algeria and France, Salem Benyattou said that the issue was raised with the director of the agency to stress the importance of activating this agreement to reduce ticket prices, especially since 5 million Algerians living in France constantly book tickets for flights between Algeria and Paris or other French cities.
According to Benyattou, the director of the agency responded by saying that the policy pursued by Algeria in the field of civil aviation is primarily focused on promoting flights to African countries within the framework of strengthening the partnership with Africa and simultaneously preparing to activate the free trade agreement (ZIKOV), which makes most of its efforts directed towards this market during the next stage.
Benhamouda stressed that the agency, which was established in accordance with the provisions of Law 19-04 of July 17, 2019, is mandated to control, monitor and supervise civil aviation activities, in addition to ensuring compliance with the implementation of all international rules and recommendations issued by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), which includes several specializations in the field of exploitation, safety and security of civil aviation, as well as the environment, in addition to ensuring safe and efficient air transport subject to fair competition in the national and international aviation market.
It is known that, according to the new legal text, the air carriers operating in Algeria, based on the new draft law amending the general rules relating to civil aviation, will be obliged to collect detailed information on passengers traveling by air to and from Algeria and to send it to the body in charge of processing passenger information, or be subject to administrative penalties for any violation resulting from the failure of the air carrier to comply with these obligations, which fall within the framework of anti-terrorism procedures.

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