
Algerian Imams To Perform Taraweeh Prayers In American Mosques

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Algerian imams will perform Taraweeh prayers for the first time during the holy month of Ramadan in American mosques, in a new decision that was taken by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Awqaf recently, after the imams of Algeria are requested by immigrants because they memorize the holy Koran and its provisions, and their commitment to moderate Islam that rejects any form of violence and extremism.

“The Ministry of Religious Affairs and Awqaf has sent Algerian imams to pray Taraweeh for our community in the region of Europe except France (formerly the imams were sent to France only)”, the deputy of the community of the fourth region, America and Europe, except France, Noureddine Belmeddah, said.

In a publication on his official Facebook page, Belmeddah expressed his satisfaction with the response of the Minister of Religious Affairs, Mohammed Issa, to the many requests he had made since the 2016 Ramadan that were reintroduced this year to send imams to the Algerian community abroad.

In this context, the MP Belmeddah, called upon the Algerian associations in the fourth region,the United States and Europe, with the exception of France, to send the requests in order to be transferred to the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Awqaf.

Services of Mohamed Issa expressed on many occasions “satisfaction with the vision of Western countries that use the experience of Algeria, which trains good imams who are able to invite Muslims to be in the service of their community, defend their nation and promote moderate Islam.”

Djalloul Hadjimi, secretary-general of the National Coordinating Committee for Imams and Religious Affairs Officers, said in an interview with Echorouk that the community has the right to ask imams in the areas where they live, as part of the agreements that are linking Algeria with these countries.

He attributed the great demand to receive the Algerian imams to their ability to memorize the Koran and its rulings, as they are also keen to spread the moderate religious discourse among the community away from exaggeration and slander.

In contrast, Hadjimi criticized the services of Mohammed Issa, because of the individual decisions which they take concerning the sector of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Awqaf in Algeria, saying: “We do not know why do they refuse to interact with the social partner, and informed it of the actions they take, so that the relationship between the two parties is good and takes place in a civilized framework that is characterized by the language of dialogue and communication”.

Imane Aouimer/English version: Dalila Henache

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