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إدارة الموقع

Algerian Consumers Launch A Silent Boycott Of Imported Goods

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Algerian Consumers Launch A Silent Boycott Of Imported Goods

Prices of many foreign products that are banned from importation, such as chocolate and cheese, noticed a significant decline of prices in recent days.

Traders and shop owners attributed this decline to a similar boycott by consumers for such products due to the collapse of purchasing power and high prices, and the near expiration of the existing products.

A silent boycott that was led by the Algerian consumers, since the importation of many foreign products, mainly chocolate and some pastries, as the Austrian chocolate, which price reached in recent months DZD 300 per pack, and fell a few days to DZD 140 in some shops and supermarkets.

Sellers justified the drop in prices with the reluctance of consumers to buy foreign products, and choosing some types of local chocolate, which does not exceed the price of DZD 60 per pack, and because of the validity of imported chocolate which is about to end, forcing sellers to reduce the price, while supermarkets are forced to refrain from buying and resort to reducing some foreign goods.

Echorouk entered a shop in Algiers Kouba, Ben Omar and found it selling Milka chocolate at DZD 180 after its import stopped forcing the seller to increase its price to DZD 300, and when it inquired about the reason, the seller showed us the validity date, which ends after 10 days, and many of the imported pastries’ price fell to DZD 20 and DZD 30 because of the consumers’ reluctance to buy them.

Expiration of the validity of many products that are prohibited from import makes people ask how to compensate them in the market, and in this regard, a seller from the municipality of Hussein Day told Echorouk: “There is no solution but to resort to provide many products for consumers”, then he showed a large box of different kinds of chocolate, and confirmed that a young man illegally smuggled it from abroad.

Concerning the way to know the smuggled products and others, the trader showed us foreign products that do not contain the mark of the importer, while we found the mark on other products of the same quality, while the price is the same for both products.

He explained to Echorouk that “they sell the products very cautiously, as soon as they hear the passage of controllers” … Indeed during our conversation with the merchant, a person rushed to alert the shopkeeper about the presence of control men in a nearby sweets shop, so he rushed to hide a large box of chocolate between paper waste.

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