
Algeria: Governmental Joint Action Plan To Curb Illegal Immigration Phenomenon

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Minister of the Interior, Local Assemblies and Country Planning, Mr. Noureddine Bedoui, has stated that the Algerian Government has adopted a proactive plan in coordination with various ministerial sectors aimed at drastically curbing the nagging phenomenon of illegal immigration.
He denied that the recent hike recorded in the number of “Harraga” or illegal migrants attempting to cross over to the other side of the Mediterranean basin, is due to the constraining economic situation now gripping the country.
“The latter (Harraga) are looking for profit rather than work overseas”, Mr Bedoui hammered to this effect.
On the sidelines of his response to the oral questions of the People’s National Assembly, the Minister revealed the creation shortly of sectoral committees designed to map out a proactive plan meant to efficiently combat illegal immigration.
He said that the aim is to motivate young people to invest in all economic sectors and not to think about emigration.
The Minister denied that the reason behind the emigration of Algerian youth is due to the difficult economic situation that the country knows after the steep collapse of the price of oil or the lack of work, stressing that immigration is chiefly caused by the youth’s keen pursuit of quick financial profit, overseas and mainly in Europe.
Mr Bedoui added, in this context, that illegal immigration to Algeria is greater than the emigration of Algerians abroad because of the stability the country is now experiencing. The minister gave an example of this by referring to African migrants who flocked to Algeria in recent years.
“Some 27,000 illegal migrants have up to now been deported at the request of their countries of origin in good conditions and this is a telling evidence that Algeria is a country of stability and security that drives Africans to come and to resort to it,” he noted.
Furthermore, the Interior and Local Assemblies Minister underscored that the Algerian Government is striving to eradicate this phenomenon completely by providing job opportunities in all sectors of activity, as well as granting privileges to hopeful young people to make them settle down and succeed in their own country.

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