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A Thousand French Historians Recall the heinous Crimes of Le Pen’s Party in Algeria

Mohamed Meslem / English Version: Med.B.
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A Thousand French Historians Recall the heinous Crimes of Le Pen’s Party in Algeria

About a thousand French historians, men and women, from different political backgrounds, have signed an article warning their countrymen against losing the values of the French Revolution (1789) if the extreme right, led by the former “National Front” and the current “National Rally”, comes to power.
What is interesting about this petition is that all these historians agree that the founders of this party were extremists of “French Algeria” who had not yet recovered from the shock of France’s loss of its former colony.
Among these historians are Patrick Boucheron, Antoine Létélie, Pierre Nora, Mona Ozoff and Michel Perrault, Joëlle Alazar, lecturer at the University of Tours, Stéphane Audoin-Rousseau, director of studies at the Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Sociales, Raphaël Branch, Professor at the University of Paris Nanterre, Arlat Vargues, Director of Research at the (French) National Center for Scientific Research, Claude Gouvard, Professor at the Sorbonne University, Laurent Joly, Director of Research at the (French) National
One of the most important things contained in this letter, which was signed by hundreds of French historians on Algeria, is their emphasis on the role played by the party founded by Marie Le Pen, one of the executioners of the Algerian liberation war, as he worked as a volunteer in the French occupation army, at the level of the capital, and there was involvement in the torture of Algerians. In prisons, according to the testimonies of many historians, including the famous journalist, Florence Bougie, who worked as a correspondent for the newspaper “Le Monde” from Algeria, and completed a detailed investigation for the same newspaper at the beginning of the third millennium, detailing the crimes of the founder of the extreme right-wing party “National Front”.
The historians stopped at the change of the name of this party from the “National Front” to the “National Rally”, suggesting that this had something to do with the attempt of the leadership of this second generation of the party to escape its heavy legacy on the political level, full of racism and xenophobia, and to restrict it by all means.
The article published in the Wednesday, July 3, 2024 edition of the newspaper “Le Monde” states: “Despite the change of facade (they mean the name), the “National Rally” (RN) still exists in reality, which is that it is the heir of the “National Front. ” which was founded in 1972 by those nostalgic for the Vichy government (during World War II) and French Algeria. They warned: “Let us not be deceived by the rhetorical and tactical prudence that the National Front pretends to be.”
Jean-Marie Le Pen and his companions in the extremist “National Front” party are considered partners in the creation of the terrorist organization The Secret Army (OAS), created by the extremists of the French occupying army, who did not expect that the first president of the Fifth French Republic, General Charles de Gaulle, would end up… “Whoever brought him to power in 1958 on the ruins of the Fourth Republic, which had fallen under the blows of the liberation revolution, did not expect him to sit down with what they called terrorists, in reference to the leaders of the Algerian revolution, for the sake of negotiations to withdraw from their paradise on earth,” French Algeria. “This was the reason for the failed coup d’état against General De Gaulle on April 22, 1961.
For historians, “for the first time since the Second World War, the extreme right is at the gates of power in France. We cannot remain silent in the face of this frightening prospect, which we can still resist. This party (the National Rally) does not represent the conservative or national right, but the threat” is Greater for the Republic and Democracy.

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