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إدارة الموقع

A Moroccan Minister Holds Algeria Responsible for Normalizing with the Zionism

Mohamed Moslem / English version: Dalila Henache
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A Moroccan Minister Holds Algeria Responsible for Normalizing with the Zionism

One of the strangest statements was made by a former Moroccan minister, Mustapha Ramid, who was the Minister of Justice in the Islamic Justice and Development Party government, which signed the treason and normalization agreement with the Zionist entity.

He said that Algeria was the reason for the Moroccan regime’s slide towards the obscenity of selling the Palestinian cause and establishing immoral diplomatic relations with the usurping Zionist entity.

In a forum on social media, Mustapha Ramid claimed that Algeria is responsible for the Moroccan regime’s involvement in the scandal of normalization with the Zionist entity, and linked this to the Western Sahara issue, implicitly indicating that the Alawite regime in Rabat sold the Palestinian cause to buy the support and influence of the Zionist entity, along with the United States of America, the sponsor of this normalization, in what is known as the Abraham Accords.

The Moroccan Minister of Justice in the normalizing government, which was led by the Secretary-General of the Islamic-oriented Justice and Development Party, Saadeddine Othmani, added that “Algeria does not have the same coercion that Morocco suffers from. Morocco has coercion, and it is the national issue, which is the Western Sahara issue, which is being discussed at the United Nations and the Security Council decides about it, so we cannot expect Moroccan diplomacy to go far.”

According to the former Moroccan minister, “Algeria created a problem for Morocco, which was like a thorn in our foot that hurt us a lot,” referring to the issue of Western Sahara, which is currently at the level of the United Nations Decolonization Committee.

There was a lot of impudence in his words and a disavowal of responsibility when he explained that “if Morocco had signed, then Algeria would be primarily responsible.” This is how he justified the Makhzen regime’s normalization shamelessly.

The Moroccan official confirmed in his Machiavellian statements that, following the Moroccan regime’s signing of the shameful normalization agreements with the usurping Zionist entity, “Mr. Laith Shubailat, may God have mercy on him (a Jordanian political activist), who was a close friend, called me and denounced what happened. I told him, I agree with you that we reject normalization with the Zionist entity, but you, the Levantine brothers, must understand that if Morocco signed, then the first responsible party is Algeria.”

Mustapha Ramid tried hard to convince the late Jordanian political activist, who was surprised by the normalization of the Alawite regime in Rabat, saying: “Algeria has created problems and constraints for Morocco that put it in a position that does not allow it freedom of movement internationally, and you know that the West exploits the issues that countries are experiencing, the problems and difficulties, to increase provocation and control and mastery.”

Mustapha Ramid is considered one of the most prominent ministers of the Islamic Justice and Development Party in Morocco, who led the government for two electoral terms. The normalization of the Moroccan regime occurred during the second term, by Prime Minister Saadeddine Othmani, who was subjected to severe criticism by his party’s activists. Othmani responded that the normalization decision was issued from the upper palace and he could not oppose it for considerations related to the state’s interest, a justification that did not convince anyone. As for the decision to normalize, it was considered an act of treason that required stripping obedience from its owner, as stated by the well-known Mauritanian mufti, Mohamed el-Hassan Ould Dedew.

It should be noted that the Moroccan Justice and Development Party, after betraying the Palestinian cause and selling honour and pride, was eliminated in the first legislative elections that followed normalization (2021), then he fell from first to eighth place with only 12 seats in a resounding collapse, after he obtained 125 seats in the previous elections. The party leader Saadeddine Othmani resigned from the party’s General Secretariat and was expelled from both the party and the government haunted by the curse of normalization which will continue to haunt him until his death and even after.

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